
"I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to give you a hope and a future."

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jesus Groaned

Today I have heard about three deaths related to people I know. I know two people dealing with cancer. I know many who are suffering heartache, illness, loss, and so much more. Inevitably the question gets asked, “Why?”

Why did I lose my baby? Why did so and so loose their life? Why is there such heartache? Where is God?

Do not loose heart.

Do I blame God for “taking” my baby? No. I blame sin. Yes, sin. We live in a fallen world full of sin which in turn is the cause of death and heartache and more tears than we feel we can bear. Sin causes death and pain and deformities.

This is a fallen world. Do not be mistaken. This world was never meant to last. So when we finally realize this world has nothing to offer what then?

Do not loose hope.

I have never longed more heaven than in these recent weeks. Loosing my baby gave me even more of a distaste for this world and the heartache that comes with living in this world. How I long for a day when there will be NO more tears, NO more heartache, NO more death, NO more loss of babies and loved ones. This will NEVER happen here on earth.

But how can you hope when you know the world offers nothing but pain?

Hope in Christ!

I found hope and peace in the middle of the heartache. As the storms rages and pulls and tears around me I can face the insurmountable wave and say with a certainty, “I shall not be moved!” Can this power come from me? Oh no. I am weak. I am afraid. I am unable.

But HE is able.

I long for a day when I will no longer be on this earth. I wait for the day I go to my real home. This broken earth is not my home. I am passing through. My home is in heaven where I will never cry again for a baby I never got to hold. I will be with my loved ones who have gone before and I will never be separated from those I love and from my Savior.

When Jesus’ friend Lazarus died it says, “Jesus wept.” He cried for His friend. But Jesus also groaned. Why? Why did the Son of God groan? Perhaps because as he looked and saw his friends weeping for Lazarus and he saw the pain and heartache that death had caused He groaned because He knew this was not the way things were meant to be. He had a better plan for us but sin corrupted things and sin brings death.

We will all die one day. No one lives forever.

There is a heaven and there is a hell.
Where are you going?
Are you sure?
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and YOU WILL BE saved.”

Maybe you think I am strange saying I had a peace when I heard my baby was gone. Maybe it does not make sense to you. If you can’t understand it then you don’t know my Savior. You haven’t felt His arm around you when you felt too weak to stand. You haven’t had Him carry you when you couldn’t take another step. You haven’t had Him whisper peace and assurance in your ear when your heart began to faint. And you don’t have the full assurance that this world is temporary and joy is waiting for those who love Him.
I WILL see my child again. I will hold the hands I never touched, I will caress the cheek I never kissed. I will see loved ones who have gone before. I will see friends. I will see my Savior face to face. And I will never have to suffer the heartache of loss and sin again.

If you are going through the storm even now then hold onto Jesus. He will be there just as He promised. Joy will come in the morning.

I’m But a Stranger Here

By: Thomas R. Taylor

I’m but a stranger here,

Heaven is my home;

Earth is a desert drear,

Heaven is my home;

Danger and sorrow stand

Round me on every hand;

Heaven is my fatherland,

Heaven is my home.

What though the tempest rage,

Heaven is my home;

Short is my pilgrimage,

Heaven is my home;

And time’s wintry blast

Soon shall be over past;

I shall reach home at last,

Heaven is my home.

Therefore I murmur not,

Heaven is my home;

Whatever my earthly lot,

Heaven is my home;

And I shall surely stand

There at my Lord’s right hand.

Heaven is my fatherland,

Heaven is my home.

Hymn # 515

Lutheran Worship

Author: Arthur S. Sullivan

Tune: Heaven Is My Home

1st Published in: 1836

1 comment:

  1. I just found this song this morning.

    It is beautiful! May the Lord minister to your heart as you continue to walk by faith as you walk the path of loss. I love you, sister!
