
"I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to give you a hope and a future."

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jeopardy Blues

We are considering banning Jeopardy in our home.

Why?  Is it the content?  No.  Is it our kids picking up bad habits?  No.  It's the fact that when our little Nathan, at five years old, only gets one or two answers right....he gets really angry and upset.  Friday he was so angry and annoyed that Jeopardy dared make the show so hard on Friday night that he could only answer one question.

He went to bed in tears.  Poor guy.

Today I ran a few errands while Chris was home with the kids.  Nathan called me on my cell phone all in tears because he didn't get a turn on a swing when he wanted.  I told him to wait and to share but he just bawled.  Sigh. 
We went to a birthday today for a friend who turned fifty.  They have a son who is nine and he has Autism.  He and Nathan got along great today and Nathan didn't have any tantrums or blow ups.  He did get upset when it was time to go but it didn't last too long.  It was so nice to talk to this boy's mom because she gets it!  She is living it!  It's amazing how similar Nathan and this boy are but also so different.  The spectrum of Autism seems to be both wide and vast.

Tomorrow is father's day!  We are grilling steak and ribs.  yumm

Monday, we begin to watch the neighbor girl while her mom goes to work.  She and Nathan and Emma get along pretty well.  Monday is also a big day because we will go to the psychologist to ask for approval for Nathan's wrap around services.  Nikki will come with us.  I pray this door opens as easily as all the other ones have.

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